ClubEG Member Perks

Member-only rates at 50 great courses

ClubEG Junior Program
Free memberships for juniors, and free play fees at Champlain

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Special Event Rates
Special member-only rates for all ClubEG-conducted events

Dunrobin Distilleries Hall-of-Fame
Get inducted and receive a special gift when you make an ace

Free Travel Bags
ClubEG has two padded travel bags which members may borrow to keep their clubs safe

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Golf Equipment, Sales & Service

50% Off Labour
50% off labour on regripping, extractions, assemblies and other services

10% Off Purchases
10% off purchases when you use promocode CLUBEG2021

The Marshes
15% off proshop merchandise and food at the Ironstone Grill
Golf Instruction & Practice Facilities

10% Off Powercarts
$3 off large buckets and 10% off powercart rentals

$2 Off Buckets
$2 off a large bucket of balls

$2 Off Buckets
$2 off jumbo buckets of balls and 15% off lessons with Graham Gunn at his winter golf school

Practice Perks
$2 off per hour of practice with reservation

$2 Off Practice
$2 off each 1/2 hour at the Superdome at Ben Franklin Park

15% off all golf instruction programs and services

$2 Off Practice
$2 off range buckets

15% Off Memberships
Register with the Guy Beaulieu Golf Academy and get 15% off

Eaglewoods Practice Perk
$2 Off Range Balls

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Get in touch if you'd like to work together

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Going Out, Entertainment & Style

Nachos & Beer
Enjoy a pitcher of draft beer and a plate of nachos for $29.95

Plus Lending
$500 cash back for any mortgages financed

DJ Services
15% off regular rates for DJ services for parties, weddings and corporate events

Food & Beverage Perk
20% off on food and beverages at all eight locations — just show your card

LumberJaxe Axe Throwing
$5 off per hour of axe throwing

Food Perk
Half-priced ribs and $4 bottles and $7 quarts of Budweiser

Long Distance Perk
Free 30-minute long distance calling card with new subscriptions

Food Perk
20% off food for ClubEG Members

Matheson Group
Free ClubEG membership when you buy or sell

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Sports, Health, Fitness & Training

Preferred Event Rates
Daily match-play events for all skill divisions

Free First Event
Your first regular Tour event is on the house

Pricing Perk
10% off services and merchandise, excluding flowers, obituary, honorariums and taxes

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15% off all training programs and services

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Get in touch if you'd like to work together